Gregorian to Hijri Date Converter

Mohammed Imtiyaz Mar 15, 2016


Gregorian to Hijri Date Converter: A windows application which allows you to convert gregorian date to hijri date and vice versa. It can run on any Windows operating system having .NET Framework 2.0 installed on the machine. (By default, .NET Framework 2.0 is installed on Windows 7 OS)


  • Portable - Just a single file and doesn't need to install and neither leaves temporary files or registry entries. install and neither leaves temporary files or registry entries.
  • Easily converts dates on a single mouse click
  • Elegant and user friendly GUI (Graphical User Interface)
  • Follows "Um AlQura" Calendar

Gregorian to Hijri Date Converter supports following date range:

Calendar Minimum Maximum
Gregorian 04/30/1900 05/13/2029
UmAlQura 01/01/1318 12/29/1450


Title Gregorian to Hijri Date Converter
File Name Gregorian to Hijri Date Converter.exe
File Type Portable Executable File (.exe)
File Size 390 KB
System Requirement
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows10
Framework .NET Framework (2.0)